“Qul inna alātī wa nusukī wa mayāya wa mamātī li-Llāhi Rabbi -l-‘ālamīn, lā şarīka lahuwa bi-dhālika umirtu wa anā awwalu l-muslimīn, which means, “Say, ‘Indeed, my salat, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying, are for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.  And with this have I been commanded, and I am the first of the those who have submitted” (Qur’ān 6:162-163).  My salah, everything that is mine, is for Allah. My life and my death are both for Allah. This is a lesson for mankind. This is Allahs order. If you obey this order, then you may then relax, but otherwise one might wonder what business one has here and drift away from the path by not knowing what to do.